Project Objectives

Project Objectives

The Project focuses on the small towns and villages. We try to introduce you the regional communities in these remote areas. We present the cultural diversity and the dialogue between cultures and generations in order to create a common prospect for development and vision of the cultural heritage of Bulgaria.
Тo preserve historical roots, traditions and cultural and historical heritage is the biggest national responsibility. Preserving and developing of local identity and folklore that is our main priority. The goal of our organization is to support the folklore customs and traditions, mutual penetration and co-existence of the various ethnic, cultural and religious communities in our country. The cultural and historical heritage in small towns and villages must be preserved and restored with great care, since in reality a great part of the cultural and folklore traditions have remained unchanged over the ages and represent a national wealth.
Our great desire is to translate the site into English and the beauty of Bulgaria to be shown to the whole world. Because our attention is focused on small towns and villages that are almost completely unknown, but have their unique authentic nature and customs, we cannot rely on advertising or external funding. Unfortunately, due to the situation in Bulgaria and the economic crisis, the country does not follow a policy of supporting such initiatives and all of our undertakings are funded with our own money. Despite the lack of funds the members of the Association use some of their savings and manage to maintain and develop this initiative.
We are confident that the translation of the events into English will not result only in the presentation of the natural and cultural resources of Bulgaria but it will also help increase people's awareness of the regions that are underdeveloped in terms of tourism. We believe that the creation of a new section of the English language will have a long-term impact on the cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. That projects promotes openness and exchange between various cultures. Our expectations are for a positive impact among conflict ridden communities, that would help transform the conflict and promote and a culture of peace and respect where people will communicate and act with a positive attitude.
At the moment we have presented over 3400 unique original customs, myths, fairs, folk festivals, oral traditions, ritual practices and rituals concerning different aspects of life and respect for nature and the universe, regional cultural events, local historical celebrations, and others, held in the territory of Bulgaria.
To be translated into English all this cultural wealth, there are needed great efforts and finances.

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